Booking Conditions:
Tour Package
Your tour price includes transportation (all modes listed), fuel, accommodation, local taxes, services of a professional tour director and meals as indicated on the itinerary. The price does not include drinks or lunch or any meals other than those indicated on the final itinerary.
Best Travel Morocco makes every effort to ensure that all arrangements and services connected with your tour will be carried out exactly as specified in the most efficient way possible. However, we don't have direct control over the provision of services by our suppliers and while they are selected with the utmost care, we don't accept liability for errors, omissions, or failure by them to provide services as specified.
It is of great importance to note that Best Travel Morocco reserves the right to adjust and make necessary changes to the itinerary or services mainly due to occasional unforeseen circumstances and to substitute accommodations listed with other ones of similar category. Porterage, gratuities, meals (except where otherwise noted), drinks, telephone calls, attraction entrance fees and any other items of a personal nature are assumed to be the client's responsibility.